Short Bible Reflections for Teens
Discovering your identity in Christ is life-changing. Knowing who you are in Christ changes the way you live and helps you have a deeper understanding of God and yourself.
So, what does identity in Christ mean and why does it matter?
Let’s dig a little deeper…
• From the 266 days from your conception to your birth, one single fertilised cell became a staggeringly complex organisation of some 200 million cells.
• Your growth rate was such that if you had continued to grow from birth at the same rate, then you would be 75 feet tall and weigh several tons by the age of 16.
• Each cell as it divided exactly copied your unique genetic code, so that each cell would now be uniquely you.
• Each one of us has between 10 and 15 billion brain cells. If each cell were a person, then they would populate two planets the size of earth.
• Your heart began beating after about 21 days when you were only 3mm long.
• You could hear your mother’s voice after 16 weeks and also had your own unique fingerprints.
YOU ARE SPECIAL. There is no one else in the whole world like you.
Collins Dictionary explains a person's identity as, “the characteristics that distinguish them from others.”
Our identity then could be defined by many things. These days when we talk about our identity and who we identify as it's mainly connected to our sexuality/gender. Or what pronouns we use.
But often we may feel our identity as a person could be defined by our success and recognition, by how good or bad we perform? Or even how cool we are or not!!
If we look at our identity this way, then value is placed on ourselves by our successes or failures, by how liked we are. The world around us certainly judges us this way also.
The trouble is, all these things, like success, looks, and people’s recognition of us, are very superficial and also can be taken away from us.
When we accept Christ into our heart the Bible tells us that we are reborn as a “new creation.” We lose our old identity and receive our new one. We identify with Christ, and we become set apart.
Your identity in Christ should dramatically change the way you think about yourself, and how you value yourself.
Have you ever called yourself worthless, stupid, and irredeemable? But the truth of the Gospel is that you are unique, created by God and loved beyond measure. So it’s time that you start living like it!
When was the last time you loved yourself like God loves you? When was the last time you lived like you knew that you were valuable? When was the last time you lived like you’re loved, like you’ve been set free?
If we are secure in our identity in Christ, then our lives will start to reveal that.
However you see yourself, however you identity yourself as, if you are in Christ then you are so very valued and loved.
And when we start seeing ourselves the way Christ sees us, others may begin to see us in that light too.
Your identity in Christ can never be taken away from you, messed up, or changed. Identity in Him is permanent (unlike this world, which is always changing).
Your identity is in Christ ... even when you let him down.
Your identity is in Christ ... even when you feel alone
Your identity is in Christ ... even when you feel so unworthy
Your identity is in Christ ... even when others make you feel worthless
You are a Child of the King
You are loved, and treasured beyond what words can describe.
This is who you are…